Sunday, November 19, 2006

iDon't know...

...know what the iPod is saying, but iLike it.
Just found this a hop, click, and a jump away from a favorite at YouGle, and I don't understand any of the dialogue, except some of the song lyrics of course, but still, it spoke to me.


In the ad, is the bit with the iPod apparently being stolen, and then not playing (at least not for long) for the thieves, a demonstration of digital rights management? Or some sort of lojack security?

Unterhalt auf an halten~

p.s. Zorky, any ruling on that translation? =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I whipped out (stop it!) my old German-English dictionary, as my German is terribly rusty. The first word best translates as "maintenance" as a verb, and "halten" is like "keep" or "detain," although it could also mean "deliver."

I think you'd need a more fluent speaker than I to see if there's real meaning in there, or if it is just supposed to sound cool...

And, I think you should set this so that comments appear automatically, like on my blog. You still get an e-mail when a post appears, so you won't be clueless as to when the post appears. I promise not to swear, really!


Okay, that was uncalled for, I know... I couldn't help myself. Maybe you should keep comment moderation on...