Friday, April 20, 2007

my HOT FUZZy roundup

Padding my blog with an excerpt from the email I sent out this week to round up a HOT FUZZ posse, written to cajole as well as educate those unfamiliar with the talents of Simon Pegg & co. Feel free to lift and re-use for your own round-up purposes. =)
Anyone free tomorrow night for some HOT FUZZ at the Boston Common at 7.45? I've seen it once already, but with these guys—the SPACED and SHAUN OF THE DEAD crew—it's all good over and over again. And don't let their zombie-rich c.v. frighten you off. These guys know what they love and love what they know. They chose zombies for SHAUN, true, but this time around, HOT FUZZ is all about the buddy cop action movie, the best and the cheeziest, all represented in a really quite charming, smartly written, wonderfully acted, gorgeously choreographed, tongue-in-cheek homage to cops-n-robbers films. With heart =)

The HOT FUZZ trailer...

From SPACED...

Keep on keepin on~

* Later on. A friend replied to me on the fence about being able to make it to see this "semi-silly movie," and I replied...
Semi-silly. Half-silly? Well, that's fair, I guess, so long as the other five halves are kickass action, brilliant comedy, buddy-cop drama, fish-out-of-water cop drama, and supercop drama. And okay, maybe one more half Agatha Christie.

I mean, this movie loves cop-action flicks from THE FRENCH CONNECTION to DIRTY HARRY to BAD BOYS 2.

Good stuff, I tell you what. =)

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