Saturday, October 07, 2006


Thank the Lords that BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is back!

Now, I'm not a fan of the messaging and email shorthand conversion of emotional expression and common phrases, a la "ROTFL" and "IMHO," but should I ever fall into using them, know that when I type "OMG" I'm meaning, "Oh My Gods," as in "of Kobol."

Cylon Stockwell: Fear... is a key article of faith, as I understand it. So perhaps it's time to instill a little more fear into the people's hearts and minds. Let's, uh... Let's execute Baltar.
Baltar: Wha—WHAT?
Caprica 6: The entire point of coming here was to start a new way of life. To push PAST the conflict that's separated us from humans for so long.
Cylon Stockwell: And what has it gotten us? It's not like they welcomed us with— with— Oh, frack it. Never mind. You're all living in a fantasy world. Consider the irony in that. Haha! Delusional machines! What's the universe gonna come up with next?
Adama: I want you to turn around and get your fat ass out of here.
Adama: I don't do guilt.
Cylon Stockwell: In other words, they're worried about what "god" might think if they commit murder—They're covering their existential asses.
Caprica Sharon: How do you know? How do you really know that you can trust me?
Adama: I don't.
Adama: That's what trust is.
Caprica Sharon: Hello, Sam. Been a long time.
Anders: Funny, I feel like I see you everyday.
Baltar: Their only crime is putting on a police uniform, trying to bring some order to the chaos out there—
Roslyn: Order? By arresting innocent people in the dead of night, detaining them indefinitely, with out charge, torturing them for information—
President Baltar: Now, wait a minute! Nobody's been tortured!
Roslyn: Tell that to Colonel Tighe.
Baltar: Nobody has been tortured.
Baltar: I hope you understand... the severity of the situation. I ask you to obey the dictates of your conscience... Which is what I've always done.
Roslyn: Of that I have no doubt.
Damn good crack. Such wonderfully spun escapism, y'know? Nothing like some completely far-out space pulp fiction to make you forget the troubles of the real world, eh?

Some top of the head remarks...

Next episode... Fry meets Bender Baltar! =)
Ah, the power of the swirl. And love. Where's the protoculture?

A lot of V (for Visitor) deja vu this episode. A Good Thing as far as I'm concerned.

Heh, this show could use a bit of Michael Ironside just about now, donchathink?

I wish they'd shown some quick-cuts to all the other fun and creative ways that Starbuck wacked her fanatic Cylon Starbuck action figure collector.

Are all of his model Cylon obsessed with her?

How many Cylon models have we not yet seen?

Baltar's Caprica 6 showed up in his head again once the real one was shot in the head. Is Caprica 6 still talking to Baltar in her head now that she's been reunited with him?

Cylon Stockwell owning up to letting Tighe out for his own reasons, well, he doesn't completely spell it out, but it's frickin brilliant. I mean, letting him operate, especially in his obsessive overdrive mode, plays perfectly into his platform for how the Cylons should be handling humanity.

I like Boomer's outfit when she goes to talk to Calli. Where'd she get that?

What's really in that eye socket, Ahab Tighe?

Who's the white whale here?

Keep on keepin on~


df said...

1) I made the same comment about Sharon's outfit to Jeff while we were watching that scene. In fact, I think New Caprica's Six and Sharon have been wearing rockin' outfits the whole time, even last season. There's a flagship H&M on New Caprica, I just know it.

2) Chief and Felix are inadvertantly training that dog to flip his own dish. Soon, that dog will be flipping it whenever he wants attention. ("See! I flipped my dish! Now pet me dammit! Woof!")

3) Why didn't Adama tattoo the loyal Sharon so he could tell 'em apart later? Like a big "I'M ON YOUR SIDE" on her forehead?

cabinboy said...

1. An H&M, you say? I immediately thought OLD NAVY, but that was a kneejerk call, no doubt the result of some free association connecting Cylons and clones.

I guess I'd be fine with H&M, could it be a Limited or Express? Just as long as it's not a frickin Nazicrombie.

I kinda miss that Cylon Titus's Hawaiian shirt thing.

2. Dog? Cylon.

Heh. Yeah, I thought the signal maybe should have been something that a dog wouldn't be able to do on his own.

3. For a few seconds, I was mistakenly... umm... impressed, I guess, at the start of that first scene with Adama and Caprica Sharon. Like, whoa, did Adama send Helo on a suicide mission? Wah wah wah! Awwwh yeah, they don't call you Commander for nothin'!

Tattoo... hrmm... The varicose veins wouldn't be enough? And I guess the Caesarian scars aren't typically visible in armor, eh? Maybe there's a secret deep tongue kiss they can use to identify her?

zorknapp said...

By my calculations, we've seen 7 humanoid cylon models, so that leaves 5 to figure out. I don't buy that Baltar is a Cylon, so I don't think he's number 8.