Friday, October 13, 2006

painted my room...

I've spent several late nights and afternoons over the last couple weeks painting my room. To make the experience even more extreme, somewhere in there I got myself good and flu'd up. Fun! Pics of the work in progress follow. Admittedly, not exactly chock full of what I'd call entertainment value, but hey, it's *my* blog.

Eat it.

My Big Idea was to color my room to remind me of the beach—so each wall would have a blue sky/ocean top, and a sandy bottom. Heh heh. Sandy bottom. =)

Let's see... It took me two days to tape and newspaper up the room to make ready to paint the blue sky/ocean upper portion of the walls. That took a lot longer than I'd anticipated, cuz of my naive two-tone ambitions, donchaknow. It was no simple feat to level, pencil in, and then tape a straight line at a constant height on the walls all the way around the room. Bleah.

The next two days I got two coats of blue on. I originally started with Evening Symphony, but when it dried down, it struck me as too dark. So I picked up the Provence for coat number two. It covered up pretty well. Once I got that on the walls, I let the drying paint duke it out with the dehumidifier for a day, just cuz. Also, it was Thursday, and I had league vball and wasn't up to tackling the job once I got home that night. Also also, I think that's when my flu-ness really kicked in.

The next day, I removed the tape and NYTimes and put down new tape and newspaper, this time to protect the newly painted blue so that I could paint the beach bottom. I took two days to get two coats of beachiness on the lower part of the walls. The day after that I removed all the tape and weddings and obits, then put down some protective tape around the window so that I could paint the "well" that the window sits in. Then, two days for two coats of sunshine—that's right, I said sunshine, wannafide abouddit?— on the well walls.

Sunshine, see?

And finally, I de-taped around the well. Hrmm... what's that work out to...? I started w the levelling and taping on Sunday evening... and de-taped the well on Wednesday morning. Wack, a week and a half. Not the most aggressive schedule, I suppose, but whatEV, I got it done in time to get away this weekend and I'm pretty pleased w the results.

Anyone need to make a leatherface mask for Halloween? Latex paint dried in and peeled from a teflon pan looks like it could do the trick...

Keep on keepin on~

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