Monday, April 02, 2007

peanut butter vs. (abio)Genesis

Are you on the fence when it comes to buying into this new-fangled evolution fad? Well, for absolutely no help at all with making your decision one way or the other, check out "Peanut Butter, the Atheist's Nightmare," with a lesson by engineer and author Chuck M. on how you only have to look as far as the condiments aisle at the supermarket to realize that evolution is a non-starter.

Which isn't what evolution is about, anyhow, Chuck.

"In fact, the entire food industry... of the world... *depends* on the fact that evolution doesn't happen..."

What do you think? Not quite as compelling as Mike Seaver's buddy Ray C and the banana, y'ask me.

Mmm... peanut butter and banana... Rrarrrr....

Thanks to Joe and for the extra credits toward a degree at Koinonia Institute .

In the beginning... the Earth was formless...

peanut butter...

* April 4, 2007. Came across this op-ed by the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute on his faith in science and God. Not my thing, of course, as I believe in the Kool-Aid Guy, y'know, but I thought it fit in rather nicely as a low-key and thoughtful counterpoint to the above clip from "Evolution vs. Creation."

Keep on keepin on~

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