Thursday, May 03, 2007

LOST: Dear Mr. Sawyer...

Locke and Pops Locke, finally! Heh, an episode with flashbacks to just a few days ago! Interesting that Pops seems to think he knows where he is...

Pops: Don't you know, John? Don't you know where we are?

Locke: What does he mean?

Did Sawyer kill him in Australia and Locke, or Ben?, wished him here, bringing him back to life?
Ben: We're going to a new place, an old place, actually... Would you like to come with us?

What place is that? How is this campsite new and/or old? Should I recognize the site?

Meanwhile, in Sawyer's tent...

His actual tent, I mean.
Kate: It's nothing personal, just old habits, y'know.

Sawyer: You want me to walk you home?

Frickin frackin... Poor Sawyer. This relationship reminds me of some other fictional back-asswards one-sided romance. Maybe from THE STAND? With the guitar player and Flagg's betrothed...? Nah, that's not quite the right fit. It's been bugging me for a few episodes, the odd familiarity. Hopefully it'll come to me soon.

Locke's coming to Sawyer with his troubles. I gotta ask again, did Locke's dad ruin Sawyer's dad's life?
Locke: I'm not a murderer.

Sawyer: Neither am I.

Locke: Except for that man you killed in Sydney.

Hey now. Did we know that Sawyer killed the wrong man? That it was an accident? I can't rightly recall. The most I can sort of seem to remember is... The guy was doing the ice cream truck thing? Or a grease truck, maybe? And Sawyer shot the man and left...? Frack. Am I gonna hafta break down and get the show on DVD?

Back at the new/old place camp... Cindy, the Aussie flight attendant makes nice w Locke. Tells him everyone's excited he's there. Talking about him like Tank talked about Neo. A frickin "chosen one?"
Ben: When people join us here on this island, they need to make a gesture, of free will, of commitment. That's why you're gonna have to kill your father.

Ahhh... hazing!

Desmond and the pips. They're just gonna sit on helicopter girl? Ah, but where Jack's concerned, Desmond's right to be suspicious, yeah.

Whoa. Harsh, matter-of-factly dropped background on Locke...
Locke: But it doesn't say why your father shot your mother, or why he turned the gun on himself. That must have been hard for you.

Very nice takedown of Locke. Some real rage. I really did despise Sawyer in the first season of the show. Now, he's definitely one of my faves.

Words from helicopter girl. Her name's Naomi Dorik(?). According to her, Flight 815, the plane, the bodies, all found in an undersea trench. Heh. I love Sahid's disbelief...
Sahid: Who are you here to rescue?

Naomi: Him.

Sahid: Desmond?

And his suspicion... *And* her reaction. Feisty. =)

Meanwhile, back at the Others frat house...
Pops: You're wasting your time, bug-eye.

Hrmm... Quick on the nicknames. Maybe he's *related* to Sawyer? Heh. Or a characteristic of the confidence trade, showing how well Sawyer's followed in his quarry's footsteps...?

And, when Locke refuses to kill his kidney-theiving dad...
Ben: I'm sorry, he's not who we thought he was!

Man, Ben's gotta dress down Locke like that in front of all the Others and Other pledges? Just plain rude. But the way he says it... Makes me think that the guy who *can* kill Pops (so, Sawyer?) is meant to be some kind of chosen one among the Others. Which in Ben's mind would apparently be the guy who's most naturally in tune with the island somehow.

Ben's walking around... And he says he has Locke to thank for it? As if Locke's very presence helped heal him...? Does that make any kind of sense? Never mind that Jack apparently successfully operated on and removed the tumor from his spine, right?

Locke leads Sawyer ot the Blackrock...
Locke: It's an old slaving ship, mid 19th century. My guess is they captured the slaves, brought them here, tried to mine the island.

Don't remember hearing any real theorizing about the ship before...

And once Sawyer's locked in with Pops...
Sawyer: Who the hell are you?

Ha! That's almost like Han Solo's "I've got a bad feeling about this." I wonder what the running count of Sawyer saying that line is.

Some more Sawyer gold, along with a fun tight-lipped exchange of words between philosophers...
Sawyer: I can hear you, you bald bastard!

Locke: Rousseau.

Rousseau: Locke.

Locke: What brings you to the Blackrock.

Rousseau: Dynamite, and you?

Dr. Albert drops in on Locke to play nice a while... Volunteeers and explaination of Ben's apparent goal with the public hazing the previous night, and then conveniently delivers a solution to Locke's patricide issue. Well! Whaddyaknow? A file on Sawyer! Which we're supposed to believe Ben's never read....?

Hrmm... Interesting tidbit (or lie) about Ben being obsessed with trivial things on the island, when there's so much more to explore.

Returning to the Blackrock...
Pops: Means that bald headed bastard outside that door is my son.

Sawyer: How did you get here?

Pops: I'm driving down I-10 in Talahassee...

Okay, right. The "magic box" is a metaphor... for...? Dharma/Other agents tracking down and abducting Locke's dad out of the real world and bringing him to the island, apparently. So, a metaphor for Ben's scheming.

And Pops gives up that he conned Locke out of his kidney! Fireworks time!
Sawyer: You ever been to Jasper, Alabama?

Pops: Why?

Man, Pops Sawyer is one cool customer. I suppose believing you're dead and in hell already is likely to give inspire unusual bravado and outright obnoxiousness, eh? Great to see that note still in Sawyer's pocket, and kind of a marvel to hear it read back with the history all laid out for us now. Damn, jerkass tears it up! Time to die.

Sawyer takes him out like Leia takes out Jabba! Only, y'know, no metal bikini (thank Buddha). Part of me wishes that the end was more violent, drawn out, with a torturous beating component, y'know? But then, Sawyer's *not* a murderer or a sadist. It's right that it should be in a fit of passion, set off by rage, that he should kill him. And damn straight, he totally had it coming.

If Locke could've handled it himself, would've been insanely fun to see him carve his kidney back out of his pop's body, eh?

Yeah, I'm a sick little monkey.

Afterwards, Locke owns up to being on his own journey, which he's always been on, and then gives Sawyer a bit of real intel on Juliet, and the proof to back it up. Nice play. Of course, given how things look back at camp, with Jack and Juliet in double-secret cahootz on *something* it's designed at some level to cause trouble. Great, just what we need with a couple episodes to go—more infighting and confusion. The prefect set-up for the Others to pull off an abduction, tho, eh?

Gotta say, before they part, Sawyer has the good sense to ask a pretty good question of Locke...
Sawyer: Is it true?

Locke: Is what true?

Sawyer: That he threw you out a window. That you're a cripple.

Locke: Not anymore.

Terry O'Quinn is a really solid actor, playing a friendly authority type or true believer seems like an easy gig for him. I gotta say, seeing him go dark, cold-hearted, angsty, or psychotic, is pretty intense. You see glimpses of it throughout this episode. I highly recommend the first movie I remember seeing him in—THE STEPFATHER—for more of the same, and in general a great horror-thriller of a rental (with Shelly Hack! =).

Keep on keepin on~

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