Saturday, December 26, 2009

happy frickin holidaze

Season's greetings to you, my very special, one and only...
    (please check all that apply)
    [ ] fabulous friend
      [ ] in need
      [ ] in deed
      [ ] in exile
      [ ] in mental illness
      [ ] of a friend of a friend who was (un)lucky enough to be included with me on a mass email from a mutual friend of a friend
    [ ] talented colleague
    [ ] excellent teammate
    [ ] respected opponent
    [ ] Brattle cat
    [ ] fingertagger
    [ ] next victim
    [ ] this is going to end up unseen, unread, unchecked in your spam folder, isn't it? *sigh*
I hope the mid-winter finds you well. In this religio-capitalist-industrial-complex mandated time of giving, in honor of our relationship, which I value so highly (in the fashions you've noted above), I offer you this electronical whatzit, which I cobbled together with my very own digital digits, especially for you! It's a short, ridiculous, sorta interactive story—Enjoy!

(Beware of sound effects and excellent music.)

May the Krampus pass your door by this holiday (unless, y'know, you're into that), and best wishes for a joyful, foodful, treatful, family-and-friend-ful wrap-up of 2009, and a kickass final season of LOST!

Also, a very happy Year We Make Contact! =)

Keep on keepin on~

p.s. Thanks to JG, IP, JK, and VV ( for their QA, help, and (unwitting) contributions. =)

p.p.s. A foxy Boxing Day to all!~

p.p.p.s. Here comes Santa Claus!

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