Monday, November 14, 2005

Some things I noticed last week...

Just a quick not-so-movie-oriented post while digesting some McLunch. My "INSTANT WIN/ GANA AL INSTANTE" Monopoly game pieces expire today, donchaknow. Just wanted to jot some things I observed and turned over in my head this past week in those in-between moments, commuting between home, work, and the movies...

The holiday lights in Downtown Crossing were up last Monday night. I didn't notice them walking in in the morning, in the daylight, but walking out, they were all lit up, blue and white lights weaved into a star shaped pattern through a net that's stretched across the street between buildings on Temple Place and Winter Street and a couple other avenues down here near the Common. It's purrty.

It's funny. I totally do not remember looking up to see or at all notice the un-lit net of lights on my walk in this morning.

For weeks on the walk to the T stop in Cambridge I've seen this orange rectangle sticker on the back of a PERMIT PARKING or STREET CLEANING sign or something like that, announcing that I should help "Save The White Race!" However, on my walk to the T last Monday I saw that it had been scraped off (by some hater, no doubt) or perhaps rained away over the weekend. Too bad. I figured, stickered up in a Cambridge neighborhood, it might attract the attention of some eco-minded environmentalist type and maybe the stickerer and the activist could work together to bolster the endangered species act!

On the walk to dimsum Saturday morning there were guys in "cherry-picker" trucks running cables through the trees in the Boston Common. Although I couldn't see the lights in the branches then, I guessed that they must've been doing the holiday lights for the park. Y'know, those ones that always look kind of lazily done? Lit up, they come off looking like the trees have got dreadlocks w lights weaved into them. Y'know, the dreaded trees probably look pretty neat from the air, like stars or pointy flowers. To my eye, though, from the sidewalk level, they always seem a bit half done.

This morning I saw that someone had taken what looked like a ballpoint pen and filled in some missing letters in a smartly vandalized "ELEVATOR" sign on the T platform. A While back, sometime in September, maybe, I noticed that letters were being scraped off of one of the signs. After a week or so, it had been transformed into "EL VATO."

Heh. Letter-Man and his varsity sweater would be proud! Although, technically, I don't think he ever just removed letters. He always added or replaced letters in a word to save the day. Like when that evil little magician would wave his wand and turn the JAM in the cupboard to CLAM *shudder* and a kid wouldn't be able to make any sandwiches, cuz who the heck wants clam on bread, right? Letter-Man to the rescue! He shows up on the scene, removes the letter from his varsity sweater, and turns the CLAM... into HAM! Ham sandwiches for everyone! Hooray!

I just made that one up. Alas, my perforated memory doesn't seem to retain a specific word crisis from the show. Sad.

Anyhow - more on movie-watching and movies watched soon. Hoping to catch another Doillon flick and Doillon inspiration tonight.

Keep on keepin on~

1 comment:

df said...

Did you ever see the letter-scraping vandalism in one of the Red Line cars? On one of the those doors at the end of the car, someone took great pains to transform "NO PASSING THROUGH" into "NO ASS ROUGH".