Friday, March 16, 2007

the best thing I ever heard...

Flashback. Two weeks ago. I was at the rehearsal dinner for my friend Brad's wedding in Jacksonville, Florida. Brad kindly seated me with the other Jersey suburbanites and their mates, a small contingent, really, composed of my sister and Rowan, Zorky and his Sue, and my dopey self. Anyhow, my sister and Rowan were getting around to filling us in on a Broadway show that they'd caught in NYC the previous weekend. As a Christmas present, they sprang for tix for both sets of parents and took them to the show and dinner. Just now, honestly, I don't remember a whole lot about the show, but I do remember a particular piece of dinner conversation that they shared.

Okay, so my sister and Rowan are sorta tag-teaming while telling this story. The party has sat down at the restaurant (I don't remember what one) and is perusing the menus. Someone comes across an odd little specialty and mentions it to the entire group... "Vegetarian Ribs...?"

My dad gives this just a moment's consideration before asking, "Isn't that just bones?"

I don't know exactly how that went over right then, in NYC at the table of parentals and Rowan and my sis, but re-told at the rehearsal dinner, it sent me into (I've never gotten to use this word before, but I think it's accurate here) paroxysms of laughter! It struck me as a perfect joke, hitting the sweet spot of my funny bone, inducing gut-aching fits of laughter and almost knocking me out of my chair.

Imagine it. A vegetarian chooses to dine at this restaurant, and intrigued by the idea of Vegetarian Ribs, orders them. Minutes later, what does the waiter reward him with? A platter of bones! And maybe a side of cole slaw. Probably expensive, too!

I think about my dad delivering this amazing line every now and then and it continues to make me laugh. Frickin hilarious! =)

Nice one, dad!

Keep on keepin on~

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

In's delivery of the line was great, also... But knowing your dad does help with the humor! I've thought of it since then too, and while not paryoxims (sp?) of laughter, it does work for me. :)