Sunday, July 09, 2006


I watched "Hate Floats" earlier this evening with Paris Jen. God damn these guys are GOOD! Even if the episode was crap, literally, poo, VENTURE BROTHERS would still get huge points for the title alone!

Of course, it's *not* crap. It's frickin genius! And even if they just showed static for 23 minutes, DAMN! but the music and voices (and dialogue) is so frickin sharp, so perfectly pitched for old school Johnny Quest, but also dialed in for irony, humor, an instant science hero mythology, and music, comic book, and cartoon nerd-dom...

Ummm... Not that I'm, like totally into that stuff... or anything...


If you've got Cartoon Network and you're not watching this show, you are a dumdum.

Just, please, watch this!

Quick set-up: Doctor Venture's arch-nemesis, The Monarch (named after the butterfly =), has called his henchmen back into active duty. Watch as henchies #24 and #21 leave their mild-mannered lives and suit up once again...


Keep on keepin on~

p.s. Other Adult Swim goodness... Pee-Wee's back on July 10. Don't know if they're still replaying it, but keep an eye out for the KORGOTH pilot (haven't seen any others yet). Also, I do believe the V. BROTHERS season 1 is now available on DVD. Give it a week or two and maybe I can lend them to you. =)

UPDATE November 2. GooTube cleaned house recently and the link I had up to the "Hate Floats" clip died. I went and found a newer post that's still up and running. Check it out!

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