Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Aye, me parrot concurs...


Didn't make it to any piratey festivities this evening. I ended up getting myself home to tackle some domestic chores and shopping errands with my housemates.

Housemates. Ick. That's so unReality, no? Hrmm... Roommates? Condomates? Ick. NOT "condomates." Sounds like some kind of prophylactic novelty accessory you'd find at Spencers.

I suppose a hyphen would fix that. Condo-mates.

I'll stick w roommates.

Well, shopping got started later than we planned, which meant dinner happened even later, and by the time I'd sat down to watch some DEAD LIKE ME with my chicken teriyaki roll-up from a cafe around the corner, it was too late (and okay, maybe a little too rainy) to get myself over to the Brattle for some YELLOWBEARD piratey fun. O well.

Still, I tried to pirate it up where I could, sometimes a little bit after the fact, dropping in an Arrr or Matey, like, 10 seconds after finishing a sentence. =)

Jessie kindly reminded me to throw some scurvy Arrrrs into our chat.

I corrected Rowan when he was directing In to make a right turn - "Starrrbirrd!" (Starboard's right and port's left, right? I mean, correct?)

In, Rowan, and I talked a little "What if?" about the Intelligent Design discussion that went on at the Brattle this evening, wondering if some early arrivals for YELLOWBEARD might get into it (it IS Cambridge, after all)...

"Avast, sawbones! And what would this here Intelligent Design have to say about my hook for a hand? Arrrr!"

Only, y'know, in native Pirate.

The only pirate I spotted all day was working the register at Trader Joe's. That doesn't surprise anyone, does it? He was pirate hatted and Jolly Roger T-shirted up, and I heard him throw an Arrr at a departing customer. That's some good crack. I wish I'd made myself stop in at the Garment District for something Seahawk-worthy in the way of an eyepatch or parrot prop. Nuts.

Ahoy, keep on keepin' on~

Boston locals, keep your eye on the Brattle for news and listings for their Fantastic Film Festival in October. In its first three years it's delivered JU-ON, ONG BAK, APPLESEED, and INFERNAL AFFAIRS, to name just a few.

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