Monday, January 15, 2007

DOCTOR WHO: Doomsday

Just watched the season 2 finale of the latest DOCTOR WHO, part of SciFi's Friday fall line-up. Pretty damn good. I really enjoy the plot and subplot threads that wend their way across multiple episodes and events through history. Damn clever (at least for TV), and makes for some very fun encounters, reunions, and consequences.

The finale was about the Doctor's ancient enemies, the Daleks, emerging from interdimensional hiding. In returning to earth, however, they enable the Cybermen to follow them through from an alternate earth. Daleks versus Cybermen on earth! Helluva crowdpleaser, and a pretty powerful denoument involving the family of the Doctor's companion, Rose Tyler. Good crack. =)

You've gotta love inhuman trash talking!
Dalek: Identify yourself!
Cyberman: You will identify first.
Dalek: Identify yourself!
Cyberman: You will identify first.
Dalek: Identify!
Mickey: [to Rose] It's like Stephen Hawking meets the speaking clock.
Cyberman: You have just delcared war on the Cybermen.
Dalek: This is not war. This is pest control!
Dalek: You are superior in only one respect!
Cyberman: What is that?
Dalek: You are better at dying!
Keep on keepin on~

* January 17, 2007. Doomsday? Stephen Hawking? Talking clock? Sonic frickin screwdriver! What did the DOCTOR WHO writers know?

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