Monday, January 22, 2007

the O'Reilly/Colbert pundit exchange program =)

Colbert on The Factor: "There's a difference between imitation and emulation..."
"I'm doing you, Bill..."

O'Reilly on The Report: "30% OFF!" =)
"If you're an act, Bill, than what am I?"

Only when I saw this episode did I get that "Papa Bear" in the Colbert Nation could be spelled "Papa Bert." Everyone knows how much Stephen hates bears. =)

The same night, talking heads on Scarborough Country cover the pundit exchange program...

The next day, on the poorly animated children's show Fox & Friends, O'Reilly comments on the experience...

I don't typically care very much about football, but for Colbert's sake, I'm a bit sad that Bears scored more home runs than Saints...

The man is a frickin superhero! =)

Keep on keepin on~

1 comment:

zorknapp said...


I actually have a photo of him on my office door.
