Monday, April 17, 2006

scientology and telepathy...

Oh, Katie. What have they done to you?

Sad, F'd up news. But all from Tom's mouth, right? Sweet photo caption, tho. I don't see any denial of the actual *purchase* of the "adult pacifier?!" Just that it's not gonna be used in childbirth...

Okay, maybe I don't want to know any more about that...

If only Tom didn't make movies I actually like...

Or, rather, if only he'd just... y'know... not be feckin CRAYzay...

Frack. More press on him and Katie is gonna bring the "stress testers" out in strength this summer. They set up downtown in Boston by the Common and over by the Pru, sucker you in with a free "stress test." You say "yes" to enough questions, you'll end up back on Beacon street at their church filling out a personality survey and watching promotional videos for dianetics...

I wonder if Phillip Seymour is gonna hafta go mano-a-mano w TC in MI3. I mean, he's an incredible actor, but unless he's outfitted w a harness that converts thespian energy into martial arts skills, I don't know that I'm gonna be able to buy that. He'll hafta be more the mastermind type, right?

So perhaps it'll be Phillips Seymour's henchman, Simon Pegg, who takes on the Mad Scientologist...? We know he's got the skillz...

I haven't been following any behind-the-scenes-ness of MI3 in production or ramping up to release, but I've read that Simon Pegg is in it (don't know who/what he's playing). Hrmm... I guess I can see him as one of the MI team specialists more than a baddie. Still, would be grand to see him take on Cruise. He's one damn talented and versatile nerd.

Thanks to Joe for the Cruise news, and designfemme and Bruno for the video links. Keep your eyes open, or sign up for an alert at Amazon, for the next DVD release of SPACED, the Brit series created by and featuring Simon SHAUN OF THE DEAD Pegg, and many of the DEAD troupe. It's SPACED that features this demonstration of the "biological connection between male psyches," which ultimately leads to this beautiful massacre.


Good crack.

Sometime while skippin about the internetz last week, I noticed for the first time that J.J. Abrams (of FELICITY, ALIAS, and LOST fame) is in on the creative end of MI3? Wack. Maybe having Pegg take Cruise out with virtual weapons conjured up by male telepathy isn't so far-fetched...? =)

Keep on keepin on~

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

Why isn't SPACED out in the US already... Grr.... Great clips...