Monday, August 14, 2006


The new turnstiles at the Central Square station started turnin' stiles—or is that stylin' turns?—on Friday morning. Pretty exciting...

Are these barriers taller than the ones I've encountered at other stations? Hrmm... I'll hafta pay attention next time I'm at South Station, or think to look out the window when stopped at Kendall or Boylston.

Seems like it's taking forever to get the Charles Street elevated T station finished, eh? Granted, that traffic circle, or ellipse, or spiral, or pentagram—whatever it is that guides traffic around it—has got to make construction there a big ol' cluster, but c'mon! Those prison cells across the way are gonna be condos any day now, and those hepcat condo dwellers didn't pay top dollar for a view of a NOT slick-and-reflective ultramodern-looking transit station of the future. Hurry it up!


This morning at Central there was a bit of a mob at the main entrance. People trying to figure out how to deal with the automated pass machines and turnstiles. I've got a monthly pass, so haven't had to deal with the dispensing machinery, so I cruised thru like usual, trading in the old-fashioned swipe action for more of a feeding maneuver. It's kinda kooky that since January (I think?) the passes have been made to work with old and new turnstiles, and are fed into the new ones "upside-down."

I was waiting at the "front" of the platform getting a few more pages into THE LONG GOODBYE (Raymond Chandler is so much fun to read =) when I hear a loud talker, not quite a yell, "Come on! What's wrong with you people?" And I turn to look to the voice and see this animated old fella, white hair fanning out a bit under the brim of a real-and-true hat, is just coming thru one of the new turnstiles. He's gesticulating expressively, walking to one of the wall-inset benches, turning toward the people still waiting to enter, and saying overloudly to no one in particular, "All these people, lined up there! And not one of them knows how to get in! Ridiculous!"


Keep on keepin on~

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

This is another of those "Baybank" changing to "Bank Boston" moments, where you don't know if there's just been a physical change, or if you've jumped universes...