Saturday, November 18, 2006


I love Tina Fey!

Or... is it that I love Alec Baldwin, and... I'm projecting...?

Whoa. I've got some thinking to do...

Meanwhile, watch 30 ROCK. It's not a laugh-riot, but it's got some great choke-to-death-alone-in-your-apartment moments. =)

I wish that she and Aaron Sorkin could've figured out a way to make both their shows the same show. Have the same cast characters appear in both shows with intersecting plots, background action, and dialogue, but still have Fey's show be the half-hour comedy and Sorkin's be the one-hour drama.

Crazy talk.

Or IS it...?


Keep on keepin on~

p.s. I've been crushing on Tina Fey for years on SNL. Why did she do the wet T-shirt thing in MEAN GIRLS?

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