Sunday, October 08, 2006

at the Harvard Square T...

The Daleks are gathering at the staging area to prepare for their invasion of Harvard Square...

I take pictures of stuff. What? You wannafide abouddit?

Keep on keepin on~


df said...

Jeff says those look like giant G5s. Go fig.

Whatever. As long as they're not chanting "EXTERMINATE ANNIHILATE DESTROY" I think we're safe.

cabinboy said...

I think someone in the MBTA got wise to the Daleks' masquerade and shut off the up escalator, believing that would trap them downstairs. That might have worked two Doctors ago, but I'm afraid that the genius responsible doesn't subscribe to SciFi, as it was revealed in the first season of the new(est) WHO that the Daleks have mastered flight and finally conquered their one natural enemy—the stairway!

I haven't watched any of season 2 yet, but have them recorded and on deck.