Friday, December 30, 2005

The Brattle in the news...

Joshua pointed me to an article in the Globe on the Brattle's fundraising plans...

At Brattle, the light still flickers - Fund-raising deadline extended

I did a little digging into related articles and found...

Harvard Square struggles to maintain funky edge

The Brattle site has an update on their fundraising status on its front page...

The Brattle Film Foundation's PRESERVE THE BRATTLE LEGACY campaign has raised nearly $200,000. Although we are only half-way to our goal of $400,000, we are moving forward with programming our January-February calendar. With your continued support we will reach our goal and preserve the tradition of repertory film programming at the Brattle Theatre. We look forward to announcing new fundraising events in early January, so please stay tuned.

Keep on keepin on~

p.s. I'm gonna try a couple different looks for the blog in the near future. Don't be alarmed =)

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