Sunday, December 04, 2005

TWIN PEAKS post-marathon burn...

I'm currently suffering from a bit of post-PEAKS marathon headache. I cannot honestly determine whether its cause is the sleep deprivation or the exposure to almost a dozen hours of the Happy Fun Ball core that is TWIN PEAKS. Was WONDERFUL, tho, reacquainting myself with Special Agent Dale Cooper, Sheriff Harry S. Truman, Andy, Hawk, Lucy, Shelly, Norma, Donna (Lara Flynn's more than Moira's, sorry, Moira), Audrey, Blackie, Ben and Jerry, Diane, and those cray-ay-zay Palmers!~

The exposure to the material triggered some funny combinations of sparking synapses, some recollection and a lot of cross referencing...

Laura's mom and Donna's dad are reunited on SEINFELD as the parents of George's stamp-glue-poisoned fiance, Susan.

Shelly and Bobby (not Bob) both end up on DAWSON'S CREEK.

Ed and Naomi appeared again as a loving couple on the big screen in Wes Craven's THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS. That's about all I remember from that movie, actually. I want to say they did it again in another flick, but can't call up a proper memory of such a thing.

I think that Russ Tamblyn was probably still metabolizing some drug deposits trapped in his body from the 60s when TWIN PEAKS was shooting. Also, I get to remember him as Sharky, the half-boy/half-shark of CABINBOY.

I suspect that David Lynch just happened to catch Harry Dean Stanton at his day job at the trailer park in FIRE WALK WITH ME, and didn't have to give him a character or any lines.

In a couple of scenes, with just the right look and camera angle, I can still see ERASERHEAD in Jack Nance.

I made a mix tape, or really, rather, an UNmix tape, of "The Pink Room" from the FIRE WALK WITH ME soundtrack.. JUST that song, over and over again for 90 minutes. It's what they're playing in the back room when Jacques sets Laura and Donna up with the lumberjacks and sex-show. I played that tape over and over again while working in the darkroom on photography projects. Great crack. Angelo Badalmente and Julee Cruise are pretty amazing when applied to just the right material.

Totally forgot that Heather Graham had anything to do with the series - wack.

Y'know, that show actually made sense to me once. =) Well, a kind of sense. When I like and enjoy David Lynch's stuff it's because he gives me just (barely) enough seemingly connected pieces to a puzzle and I get to fill in the missing ones myself. These pieces often involve some form of astral projection, E.S.P., dreams, devils, and time travel. Fun, no?

I ended up going solo, but found a couple of copacetic row-mates and we managed to "spot" each other safely thru the evening. =)

I Was hoping to catch DARWIN'S NIGHTMARE this afternoon before the evening Watch-A-Thon closing ceremonies, but it turns out there's into a showtime until 5.15, and the "finish line" festivities begin around 6. Frack.

Not quite in a state to put anything all the coherent - well, as coherent as I get - in writing, so I'll go with posting a few visual aids instead.

Hangin' in a chow line...~
Good times!~

After the midnight-ish screening of the TWIN PEAKS pilot, round 2.40am or so, the Twin Peak-ed line up for some cheery pie and coffee...

Brattle Theatre Creative Director Ned Hinkle works the TWIN PEAKS pie line.

Ned and Ivy Moylan give away some cool PEAKS marathon event posters. A few went out to trivia question answers and a few went out for recognition. They were kind enough to bestow one upon me for my Watch-A-Thon run. =)

And at the end of the marathon, the remaining survivors exit to discover it's a brand new snow day!~

Keep on keepin on~

The best thing I ever heard:
"My log saw something that night... Go ahead, ask it!"
--- Log Lady, TWIN PEAKS

1 comment:

df said...

Want some more TWIN PEAKS alumni crossover weirdness? (Well, it's not exactly like the examples you gave above, but it's still pretty interesting.)

Lara Flynn Boyle starred in a movie called THREESOME. Pretty much about a three-way (duh) love triangle with Stephen Baldwin and Josh Charles. Stephen's in love with Lara, Lara's in love with Josh, and Josh is in love with Stephen. Or something like that.

Meanwhile, around the same time…

Sherilyn Fenn starred in a movie called THREE OF HEARTS. Another love triangle story, only it's with Kelly Lynch and--yup--another Baldwin, only this time it's William.

Just another parallel universe of TWIN PEAKS extending beyond the "Red Room."