Sunday, March 26, 2006

got my 1000 friends... It's been showing up in random sectors of my radar in the last six months or so. The first memorable non-newzy/non-promotional hit was a smartalec remark by Jill to Rachel that went something like, "Oh, probably cuz you were busy dolling up your MySpace account..."

That does seem to be the way I've heard it refered to most often. As an addictive time sink.

Well, a friend of mine caught me over IM recently and actually got me to visit the site for an anonymous trial run (which means I signed up and put in no personal info, but had a look around at what appear for the most part to be the resurrection of the crappiest geocities and tripod personal pages I've ever seen). I dunno. I can see what it is, and what it sorta does, but I'm not feeling a tractor beam pulling me in...


Heh, still, the kids seem to love it.

Friendster's too "gay" to be cool, reports THE DAILY SHOW's Demetri. Ha - I LOVE that kids-love/old-people-hate flip bar chart! =)

My friend Shawn recently explained to me that has become a de facto "background check" resource of sorts for the authorities and institutional authority-types. Sure enough, I see this bit of news (that link's dead, here's a diff one to coverage of the same story) online tonight. She mentioned a news story about a gay student being expelled from a Christian university, outed once his MySpace was discovered. She also mentioned that employers are using it to check out prospective hires and check up on current employees.

[Found out it was that led to that student's dismissal for a semester at John Brown U...]

Woohoo, go-o-o-o-o interweb!

The odd little conjunction of stories on MySpace and social networking spurred me to leave this dropping on my bloglawn here, but I dunno how to explain it exactly... I haven't been much in the writing frame of mind of late.

I'll attempt a bit of summ-up...

Work's gotten busy. Pulling some late and weekend hours to keep things on schedule with a project.

Haven't seen any movies in the last month except for V FOR VENDETTA (like the MATRIX, but in a different flavor - SEE IT! - I've been wanting to but havent' managed to rally to conjure up a rave review for it... soon, I hope) and INSIDE MAN (just caught that today, dig it mucho, stil percolating on it).

I'm not feeling tip-top at vball. I think I've gained a dozen pounds from not playing for those weeks off for my ankle, and on top of that being not happy about not playing, bleah. Still, the ankle is feeling better, not worse. Except for one bad misstep, Thursday fours this past week felt pretty good. This week will be a bit of a gauntlet. Playing Monday night 6's, Thursday 4's, the Friday night BVA fundraiser tourney, and Saturday at a CR tournament somewheres.

TV's been pretty good to me. We did a 4-hour 24 Tuesday marathon two weeks ago. That's really just about how the show should be watched, in four hour blocks. Pretty satisfying, altho that particular block was full of some tough hits (Edgar and Tony).

I just watched the last two SHIELDs this evening - brilliant and mean. Poor weasel Shane. I suspected how it would go w Lemanski, but y'know, he didn't even call Vic and whatzhishead to tell them to meet at the abandoned body shop. Pre-frickin-meditated. Dayumn.

I'm due for a second viewing of the BSG finale soon. I re-read my blog on it and realized I pretty much skipped over the Roslyn election fix, and then coming clean. I'm not sure that I need to say anything about it, but, well, for me, it was some good, anxious, television. Ready to be getting away with it, being confronted with it, knowing full well the consequences of owning up, and then stepping up and stepping down... Yeah, definitely gonna hafta watch that again.

Rowan and I are hunting for a new home. We've seen a dozen or so different places in the Cambridge and Somerville area and found two, maybe three, that we can actually stand. See, next season our little UPN comedy will be jumping the shark when my sister joins the regular cast. We're shopping around together with the intent of getting a place for Rowan and my sister, and myself, all together. We figure together we'll be able to afford a better place than we would separately.

Also, they can cook.

Keep on keepin on~

The best thing I ever heard:
"Mr. T...? Actually, it's Mr. T-E-A, like the drink... He's an Asian guy, who likes ginseng..."
--- Demetri Martin on THE DAILY SHOW's "Trendspotting."

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

V for Vendetta was quite good, liked it a lot, although I did have my obligatory flashback to "V" from NBC, when the girl was spray painting the V sign on that propaganda poster...